In 10 Days We Can Reboot Your Human Energy System ...

NO Pills

NO Subscriptions

NO Hours of Video

NO Extra Time

... To Relieve Symptoms, Restore Energy And Optimize Well-Being So That You Can ...

... Finally Eliminate Thyroid Issues, Weight Gain, Adrenal Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance ... And Any Other Mysterious Symptom

Let's Do This Together!

The BONUSES offered with the Reboot Kit are only available here.

What Are Others Saying About

Dr. Gala’s Approach?

When Women Learn To Identify And Manage Their

Toxic Stress, Symptoms Are Eliminated Naturally. And, The Easiest Way To Do THAT Is To Initiate A Reboot!

The Question Is …

Are You Ready For A Reboot?

Like I mentioned ... the BONUSES offered with the Reboot Kit are only available here.

Get The Reboot Kit, LIVE Workshop To Answer Your Questions AND


BONUS #1 - Restore Your Super Powers Class

"How To Maintain Your Super Woman Status"

During this presentation, you will learn the 3 steps you must follow to identify and remove the Kryptonite that’s draining your energy.

You will also learn the secrets to create your own antidotes so that you can manage toxic stressors sustainably and long-term.

Get This For FREE When You Order The Human Energy System

Reboot Kit Today!

BONUS #2 - "What's Your Kryponite?"

"Learn To Identify And Manage Toxic Stressors That Are Draining Your Energy"


I'm including a digital copy of my latest book, "What's Your Kryptonite?" as a bonus for anyone that initiates a Human Energy System Reboot with my kit.

Forward the file to your Kindle email address and it's on your app and available anywhere that you read books.

And, if you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, you can add it for a small upgrade cost when you're checking out.

You can download the audio file to your computer and phone so that you have it handy any time you need it.

There Is NO CATCH!

In case you’re wondering why I’m doing this …

There are actually a few reasons …

  • If I can help even one woman avoid the consequences caused by chronic stress turned toxic, I will have accomplished something important.

  • The Reboot Kit was created for people who need a "do it yourself" way to deal with their symptoms from the convenience of their home.

  • I get to share why I take symptoms seriously. And, I hope that when you understand the consequences of symptom suppression … you will too.

  • I would love to have you join me … and get to the root cause of your health issues.

Time Is Of The Essence

Here’s why …

I’m not sure how long I can afford to offer the Reboot Kit and bonuses for this ridiculously low price. If this page is here, then the offer is still live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at anytime.

Here Is My “You’ve Got To Be Crazy” Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love the Reboot Kit or I’ll return your $7 … and you’ll still have what I've sent you.

That’s right.

Just email me your receipt and let me know why you were disappointed with what I covered in the Reboot Kit. I’ll give you back your money … and thank you for your time and consideration.

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get

When You Order The

Human Energy System Reboot Kit

  • Human Energy System Reboot Planner

($97 Value)

  • Human Energy System Action Plan

  • LIVE Workshop - Dr. Gala Answers Your Questions (Recorded with Replay Link)



  • Restore Your Super Powers Class

($47 Value)

  • "What's Your Kryptonite?" Digital Book

($8.99 Value)

Total Value: $152.99

Get The Reboot Kit For


This Is Truly A Limited Time Offer, So Claim The FREE Bonuses With The Reboot Kit

Now Before I Take This Page Down …

Too many women … myself included … believe that we can keep piling it on. And, the adrenaline associated with that approach to life has us convinced that it’s working. We think we’re thriving on it until … symptoms start popping up. When symptoms appear, we've been conditioned to believe that we just need to "whac-a-mole" them into submission.

With this strategy, the cause of the symptom is NEVER addressed. And, the stress compounds. Regular stress, what I refer to as “garden variety stress,” escalates to toxic stress. If you are tired all the time and have other issues like:

  • low thyroid

  • weight gain

  • fat accumulation

  • adrenal fatigue

  • brain fog

  • mood swings

  • aches and pains

… then you have toxic stress. How do I know?

Stress is unavoidable and it's the root cause of 90% of disease. If you think that sounds high, based on my experience, that statistic is low. The research doesn’t consider all the ways stress shows up.

Toxic stress is a fairly new concept. And, evaluating how toxicity creates stress is even more novel.

I take that one step further. I want to identify the TYPE of toxicity that is actually causing the problem.

When your body is forced to deal with toxicity it’s not equipped to handle, it stores it … hoping to get back to it. You might think of it like the junk drawer or extra closet.

Everything in there creates an “open loop” in your mind. It’s clutter and every bit of it adds to your stress.

And, the toxicity that is stored in your body is doing something similar. The internal “junk” shows up as:

  • extra weight

  • accumulated fat

  • skin conditions

  • brain fog

  • aches and pains … especially in joints

In my book, “What’s Your Kryptonite?” I encourage readers to identify the type of toxicity that’s accumulating in their body. You may have managed this Kryptonite until the stress of menopause joined the party. When we start to see signs of menopause, if we’re not already dealing with toxic stress, it’s a fairly easy adjustment period.

But, most of us aren’t going into menopause with plenty of energy and adrenal glands that are fully functional. If we’re already dealing with fatigue that we are powering through with stimulants and pain relievers, then menopause is a pretty bumpy ride.

Menopause tends to be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Continuing to "whac-a-mole" symptoms as you transition into menopause is not going to get you where you want to go. And, doing the same thing isn’t even going to get you the same results. It’s going to blow up in your face.

If you want to live a vibrant healthy life well into your 80s, 90s and beyond … you need to start saying NO to:

  • medication … to avoid all of the known and unknown side effects

  • long-term supplementation … that is adding toxicity

  • trying to "whac-a-mole" symptoms … allowing problems to escalate

To truly be well, we have to deal with stress … in all the ways it shows up. When you address stress comprehensively, you get to the cause and pull it out by the roots.

If you are ready to become your own PCP … primary care person, then …

My Human Energy System Reboot is the next right step.

In the Reboot Kit, I share the process I developed to help women reverse the effects of chronic stress that has turned toxic. In as little as 10 Days ... even if you only have 30 minutes or so most days ... you can eliminate the Kryptonite that's draining your energy.

Remember what I said … stress is unavoidable. It’s not going away. In my experience, you need to learn to manage toxic stressors. And, an occasional reboot is the best way to do that.

Thanks for taking the time to consider my offer and I hope you are inspired to reboot your human energy system.


Dr. Gala Gorman LAc ND PhD

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who scroll to the end, here’s the deal:

I’m offering you my Human Energy System Reboot Kit. When you buy it HERE from this page, you get some SPECIAL BONUSES.

There’s no catch … no gimmicks. You will NOT be signing up for any “trial” to a monthly program. To make it a “no brainer,” I decided to add a couple of valuable bonuses for FREE …

And … if you don’t love the Reboot Kit, I’ll even refund your payment. So, CLICK THE BUTTON to get it NOW. You won’t regret it.

Get Started With A …

Human Energy System Reboot

Dr. Gala Gorman LAc ND PhD


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